
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a collection of policies that act as an overall "blueprint” for future land use and physical changes in Clearwater County. It provides a long-term vision of the type of community that County residents and ratepayers desire. From there, policies focus on topics such as land use, protecting the natural environment, economic development, infrastructure, and community amenities and services, and provide direction on how to reach the vision.

The updated MDP was drafted over the course of three years of public engagement, and it builds on multiple other studies, strategies, and plans completed by Administration over the past several years. Since the first reading (Dec. 20, 2022), Administration has made updates to the document to incorporate feedback received at the February 21, 2023 public hearing at the Lou Soppit Community Centre.

On May 9, 2023, Council granted second and third readings to Bylaw 1132/22 with new amendments. 

The updated MDP is available here.

Click the image

Now that the new MDP is approved, the next step will be updating the County's Land Use Bylaw 814/01 (from the year 2001) to reflect the changes made in the MDP document.

Stay tuned for updates on Clearwater County's website and official social media channels.

Project Timeline

Below is a timeline of events that will be taking place during this year. Also the timeline shows the past events and consultations that took place during the previous years.