What is a MDP?
The MDP is a collection of policies that act as an overall "blueprint” for future land use and physical changes in the County. It provides a long-term vision of the type of community that County residents and ratepayers desire. From there, policies on topics such as land use, protecting the natural environment, economic development, infrastructure, and community amenities and services provide direction on how to reach the vision.
The policies of the MDP are used by Council in assessing more detailed plans, such as area structure plans and outline plans, and Land Use Bylaw re-designations to allow development to proceed. They are used by residents to understand what types of land uses may be allowed in various parts of the County. The policies are also binding on decisions for subdivision applications.
The MDP guides and directs future physical growth and development. It seeks to ensure that growth is orderly, economical and beneficial while balancing the environmental, social and economic needs and desires of the community. It is visionary, strategic and long-term in its outlook and application. The MDP reflects the kind of community residents wish to see in the future (25 to 30 years from now) and then identifies ways to achieve this future.
Topics covered in the MDP include:
- Preservation of significant environmental features and impacts on the environment;
- Protecting special places and providing recreation opportunities;
- Expectations relating to rural residential development;
- The role and future of hamlets;
- Economic development and the role of various economic sectors;
- Infrastructure such as roads, railways, airports, water and wastewater systems, storm water management, modern telecommunications;
- Services to the community such as health care, education, emergency response, and protective services; and
- Relations with other communities, regions and the Province with respect to land use planning matters.
You can view a copy of the current (2010) Municipal Development Plan (click here).
Clearwater County Council is leading the process with assistance from Clearwater County's Planning & Development department staff and central Alberta based consulting firm, Vicinia Planning & Engagement Inc.