Adventure Smart

Adventure Smart is a national initiative designed to help both children and adults enjoy the outdoors safely. Developed with input from the National Search and Rescue Secretariat, the RCMP, and the British Columbia Search and Rescue Association, this program aims to reduce search and rescue incidents by encouraging outdoor enthusiasts to Get Informed and Go Outdoors.

Current Adventure Smart programs include:

  • Snow Safety Education Program: Targeted at children in grades 4 to 6, this program covers ski hill safety, signage, and backcountry hazards such as "Out of Bounds" areas.

  • Survive Outside Program: For individuals aged 12 and up, this program emphasizes trip planning, the Code of Responsibility, and essential safety tips for outdoor adventures.

  • Hug a Tree and Survive Program: Designed for children in grades K to 6, this program teaches kids how to avoid getting lost in the woods and what to do if they become lost.

For more information or to schedule a presentation, please contact us at