What We Do

Rocky Search and Rescue, as with most other Search and Rescue Groups, utilizes a variety of resources and skills to accomplish our goals. Whether on a search mission, volunteering at a community function or teaching a group of school children about out door survival, our members are recognized as highly skilled, highly trained individuals with the resources available to successfully complete their tasks.

Special Events

Rocky SAR is a 100% volunteer organization, thus, we rely on donations and fundraising events. 
Rocky SAR provides members trained in First Aid and Advance Wilderness First Aid to assist with your event. For more information or too book your event: special-events@rockysar.com

Ground Search & Rescue

These members are the heart of our hasty teams. They have completed a 40 hour program consisting of training in the fundamentals of search and rescue, the type of equipment they should consider carrying, basic skills in map and compass and an overview of other aspects involved in Search and Rescue.

Support Personnel

These members may not have completed the Fundamentals program as yet, but may be qualified to assist at the Command Post. There is always a need for call-out personnel, radio operators, scribes and runabouts.

Preventative Search & Rescue (PSAR)

Our members are involved in a variety of community based information programs. We are always searching for persons willing to train and teach our Adventure Smart Program. This program is designed for children of all ages and provides them with basic knowledge and skills to survive in the event they get lost. Members try to maintain a high profile during community events, passing out information and assisting other groups in our area. During many long weekends you will find our members visiting campgrounds with pamphlets and information on our organization.

Tasking Agencies

Rocky SAR is tasked by the Police force of jurisdiction, which is responsibility of the RCMP. 

In case of an emergency, always dial 9-1-1.