Ag Awards

Rural Beautification Awards

Nominations for the 2025 Rural Beautification Awards are now open.

The Rural Beautification Awards are presented to residents across Clearwater County that have been recognized for their hard work and extra effort in creating a beautiful property.

Click here for the Rural Beautification Awards form. 

Click the below link to view historical winning properties: 
  • 2024 Winning Entries for Farm: George & Margaret Green, Subdivision: Jesse & Nikki Lougheed
  • 2023 Winning Entries for Active Farm: Brian & Stacey Scott, Rosemarie & Ed Evans, Acreage Over 15 Years: Charles and Mary Pearn, Retirement Acreage: Doug and Vera Edwards
  • 2022 Winning Entries for Most Creative Design: Trent Vanderaa & Sandra Kanten, Acreage Over 15 Years: Cammie & Scott Laird, Rural Commercial: Lazy M Lodge &  Retired Farm: Diane & Doug Lutz.
  • 2021 Winning Entries for Retired Farm: Duane & Carol Hord, Working Farm: Darren & Valorie Murray, Acreage Under 15 Years: Josh & Tennille Barker
  • 2020 Winning Entries for Retired Farm: Diane & Doug Lutz, Rental Acreage: Axel Stien & Acreage Over 15 Years: Wayne and Irene Markle.
  • 2019 Winning Entries for Active Farm: Gordon and Laurel Koples, Acreage Under 15 Years: Doug and Larlene Lumsden & Acreage Over 15 Years: Bernie and Trish L'Hrondelle.

Stewardship Awards

These awards formally and publicly recognize community members that demonstrate positive stewardship qualities and practice on the ground change. Initiated by the Clearwater Landcare Board, these programs recognize contributions made by families, groups, individual landowners, community members, and livestock producers. Any member of the public can submit a nomination for these awards. 

Environmental Stewardship Award - This award recognizes residents that demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship & betterment of our local environment.

Clearwater Landcare defines a steward as someone who takes on the ground action, to make Clearwater County a better place to live for all life today and for generations to come.

Sustainable Grazing Stewardship Award - This award recognizes producers who are stewards of the land, demonstrating sustainable grazing practices.

Clearwater Landcare applauds their progressive efforts to mitigate the environmental impacts of grazing while recognizing the ongoing changes necessary to maintain a healthy ecological balance. Grazing management practices that strive for ecological balance guarantee long term sustainability and set a standard for current and future generations.

Nomination eligibility for both awards include the following:

  • Nominees must practice ecological stewardship and have resided within Clearwater County for a minimum of 5 years;
  • Can only be a recipient of the award once; and,
  • Maximum of one award recipient for each award per year provided a qualified nominee is identified.

Click here for the Environmental Stewardship Award Nomination Form.

Click here for the Sustainable Grazing Stewardship Award. 

Please note the nomination deadline for both awards is January 31, 2026. If have any question, please give the Landcare team a call at 403-845-4444 or send an email to:

Century Farms Awards

Clearwater County is proud of its agricultural history and with many homesteaders arriving in the in the early 1900’s - many farms in the area are, or soon will be, hitting the 100 year milestone. 

The Century Farm designation is intended to recognize and celebrate those founding families that own at least 160 acres in Clearwater County, which have been owned/farmed by descendants for at least 100 years. The Agricultural Services Board will accept and verify applications and select recipients on a case by case basis. Century Farm recipients will receive a plasma cut metal sign.

Farm Family Awards

Since 1985 Clearwater County and the Agricultural Service Board have recognized over 20 deserving farm families within our region. Awards are presented at the annual Rocky Mountain House Chamber Banquet, recipients are nominated for the Edmonton Northlands Farm Fair Farm Family Award, presented every other year.

Agriculture remains a primary industry as Alberta’s farming population decreases. It is important to recognize families within our community who are demonstrating excellence in agriculture and rural citizenship.

Nomination guidelines:
  • A family deserving of recognition for Agricultural and Community involvement.
  • An active farm where agriculture is the major source of income generated by family (immediate) residing on the farm.
  • Preference is given to multi-generational operations.

This is a bi-annual award, applications for the Farm Family Award are now being accepted. Please note the nomination deadline is January 31, 2025.  Click here for the Farm Family nomination/application form.

Previous Winners: