Area Structure Plans

Area Structure Plans (ASPs) are documents that are approved by Clearwater County Council as bylaws. ASPs outline detailed policies for growth and future land use designations of specific areas of the County.

Condor, Leslieville, and Nordegg are considered by Clearwater County as Growth Hamlets capable of accommodating development within their existing boundaries, as well as residential development and other compatible development on their peripheries.

Invistec Consulting Ltd. has been selected by Clearwater County to develop ASPs for the Hamlets of Leslieville and Condor. 

Public consultation (engagement) with residents of the hamlets and surrounding lands, as well as other stakeholder involvement, is key to the success of this project. A public engagement process has been developed and a copy of that plan is available here and the Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee can be found here. Some of the things to be included in the process are community consultation sessions, public open houses, survey, notices, web materials, social media and mail outs.

The plan for the process is as follows:

Background Research and Analysis

Preparation of Area Structure Plans (ASPs)

Community Engagement and Responses

  • 2 Public Open Houses to review draft ASP document for each hamlet
    • March 29, 2023 (6-8pm) Condor Community Centre
    • March 30, 2023 (6-8pm) Leslieville Community Centre
  • 2 What We Heard Reports

ASP Finalization and Approval

Links to Maps & Other Documents