SDAB Hearings - Decisions

Upcoming SDAB Hearings


An appeal of the conditions of approval of Subdivision Application 21/3720 was received and, in accordance with Section 680(3) of the Municipal Government Act, Hearing 25-002 was called to order on February 4, 2025 at 9:04 a.m. The hearing was adjourned pending more information concerning jurisdiction from the Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT). 

Date/TimeHearing LocationHearing NumberSubject Property
TBD – pending receipt of information concerning jurisdiction of the appeal
Clearwater County Municipal Office Building (Council Chambers) at 4340 47 Avenue, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta


 Appeal of conditions of approval for Subdivision Application 21/3720 for the creation of a 7.0 acre, Country Residence Agriculture District “CRA” parcel from an unsubdivided quarter section.

Legal Description: NE 24 38 05 W5MContaining 160 acres, more or less Agriculture District ‘A’

Please note: if you plan to attend the listed hearing, please register with the Clerk in Council Chambers. 

The LPRT appeal hearing is scheduled to be held by videoconference at 9:00am on April 4, 2025. Clearwater County Council Chambers will be open to the public to attend the hearing. If you plan to attend, please contact Legislative Services at 403-845-4444 or email

Michael Burton 

Clerk, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

SDAB Decisions

The most recent SDAB Notice of Decision(s) are available below:

DateNumberDescriptionNotice of Decision
16/01/202525-001Appeal of conditions of approval for Development Permit 196/24 for legalization of a Tradesperson's Business.Appeal Denied - Development Permit 196/24 Upheld
04/05/202424-001Appeal of approval for operation of a wedding venue as a farm subsidiary business, subject to conditions.Appeal Denied - Development Permit 07/24 Upheld
10/10/202323-011Appeal of Development Permit for legalization of a 320 square

foot (8' x 40') sea can with a variance to classify it as a tool shed.

Appeal Denied - Development Permit Application 106/23 Refused

If you're looking for a previous decision, please contact Legislative Services at 403-845-4444 or email