Vision, Mission & Values
Together, the vision and purpose statement provide direction and purpose for Council as an organization and clear guidance to administration as they create and implement their operational plans to align with the vision and mission.
Vision Statement
Our communities are connected by our appreciation for, and stewardship of, our natural beauty, our economic prosperity, our quality living, and the diversity of our wonderful people.
Purpose Statement
Through proactive municipal leadership and regional partnerships, we will invest innovatively to generate and support economic and population growth that positions Clearwater County for a sustainable, prosperous future.
Core Values
- The affairs of the County will be conducted in an open, honest and respectful manner. A high degree of integrity and approachability is expected of all County officials and staff.
- All County officials and staff are accountable for their actions and decisions. Councillors are accountable to the electors, and staff is accountable through the Chief Administrative Officer to Council. All decisions are expected to be made in the best long term interests of the municipality as a whole.
- Clearwater County staff are valued. The County endeavours to be an employer of choice and encourages personal and professional development.
- The financial well-being of the County is of primary importance, and will be monitored and protected.
- The County will be proactive in developing efficient and effective relationships or partnerships that provide benefit for residents and businesses.
- The County recognizes and supports the Town of Rocky Mountain House, the Village of Caroline and the Summer Village of Burnstick Lake as independent local governments and will strive to share and enhance service responsibilities wherever practical for the benefit of residents of each municipality.
- The County recognizes the three First Nations governments (Sunchild, O’Chiese and Bighorn) and the importance of fostering ongoing relationships.
- A high regard will be paid to environmental education and stewardship. Opportunities to explore and enjoy natural assets will be developed and provided to local residents and other users in cooperation with other governments and the private sector. Industry and other users of the land will be expected to conduct their activities in a responsible manner.