
Ag. Equipment Rentals

Clearwater County offers equipment rental to County residents and producers. This service is part of the County's commitment to supporting agricultural practices within the municipality. 

Click here to view the Rental Equipment Price List

Please contact the Agriculture & Community Services Department at 403-845-4444 or for more information on Ag. Equipment Rentals, or to book and arrange pickup.

Chemical Sales / Herbicide Discounts

Clearwater County is the official retailer for Corteva Agriscience Range and Pasture Products, and offer a Rebate Program.

  • Customers no longer need to register their intent to purchase the products. Instead, customers who purchase a minimum of $1,400.00 of qualifying products are eligible to receive an 8% rebate
  • Customers who match or exceed their previous year purchases are eligible to receive a total 10% rebate back from Corteva
  • Qualifying products include Restore ll herbicide, Reclaim ll herbicide, & Grazon XC herbicide
  • This program runs from annually from December 1 to  July 31 of the following year 
Please contact Clearwater County with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the new rebate program at 403-845 -4444.

Feed Testing

Feed testing assists livestock producers in making the best use of the feeds available to them. The proper application of feed test results will allow you to optimize your feed resources. Underfeeding livestock will limit their production; overfeeding livestock will be a waste of resources. Feed test results will help to determine what supplements are needed and the amount of these supplements that should be used in the ration. If you want assistance in developing a feeding program you can make use of our ration balancing service. To view the feed testing procedure, scroll to the bottom of the page and expand the accordion.

Ration Balancing

Staff at Agricultural Services are happy to balance rations for local producers. Using the upgraded Cow Bytes 5 and with input from farmers on their feed test results, rations can be built quickly and effectively. Please phone 403-845-4444 to book an appointment. To learn more, read this Ration Rules of Thumb.

Livestock Traceability

Traceability within Alberta’s agri-food industry has become an important tool in improving animal health, increasing food safety, minimizing economic impact of disease outbreak, while expanding Alberta’s global market share.

There are three pillars within Alberta’s traceability system: premise identification, animal identification, and animal movement. Premise identification establishes each producer’s farm base by issuing each premise a unique number that is used on transport manifests and bill of sales to ensure livestock can be traced back to multiple farms involved in the ownership chain. Animal identification mandates all animals sold beyond the point of origin to be tagged with a Radio Identification Frequency (R.F.I.D) button unique to only that animal. Further to the R.F.I.D. button as of January first 2009 all calves born must be age verified.

Verification is the process of associating the animal’s birth date or the herds starting calving date with the animal’s unique R.F.I.D. button. This birth date event is entered in to the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) database and is stored for the life of the animal allowing animals to be identified as over or under 30 months of age. Animal movement tracks the movement of livestock from the herd of origin through the feeding chain to slaughter by tracking the animals unique R.F.I.D. button through the CCIA database. Alberta beef is world renowned and highly sought after for its quality and consistency, to ensure Alberta beef producers maintain this reputation traceability will provide the insurance the industry needs.

Agricultural Services offers a traceability program which provides service to beef producers in age verification, premise identification, and animal movement. As well Agricultural Services partners with the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency and Alberta Agriculture in providing information, workshops and seminars to help producers adopt and implement traceability within their farm. Agricultural Services also offers R.F.I.D. tag reader rentals to producers to assist with gathering traceability data.

Contact Agricultural Services Staff to learn more about our traceability programs and services.

The main pests that require outside assistance are beavers and coyotes. The approach taken is to offer assistance via workshops and hands-on training in addition to providing awareness and educational materials in management and prevention.

Grasshoppers: Extension staff  conduct annual grasshopper surveys with 84 fields surveyed in 2018. The information is provided to the province to help with predicting grasshopper issues in the future. 

Club Root: Clubroot surveillance and inspection has been elevated for the past four years even though annual crops in Clearwater County are a small portion of the agricultural use of all deeded land. All canola fields known to Agriculture and Community Services are inspected. 72 fields were inspected in 2013, 81 in 2014, 119 in 2015, 102 in 2016, 44 in 2017 and 115 in 2018. 

The first confirmation of clubroot in Clearwater County was discovered in 2014. Two fields were identified as clubroot positive. They were not in close proximity to each other nor was there any sharing of equipment or resources. 

In 2015 10 new fields were identified and links were established in many of the fields between landowners and equipment. In 2016 only 2 new fields were found and testing indicated a very low infestation rate. 

Due to a delayed harvest and some unharvested crops in the fall of 2016, coupled with a wet spring  in 2017, there was a 50 percent reduction in fields planted to canola. Consequently, there were just 44 fields examined with 2 positive results from the samples sent away. Of 115 fields sampled in 2018, 3 tested positive for clubroot. 

Click Here for more information on control methods for gophers.


Clearwater County Agricultural Services has an information package and sampling tools available upon request. It is recommended to phone and arrange a time to discuss sampling, analysis, ration balancing and borrowing tools.


Choosing the right time to take feed samples is very important. Samples should always be taken before the feeding period begins. If you have the results of your feed analysis before the feeding period begins, you can use the feed test results to help you develop the best possible feeding program. Whenever possible sample your feeds at harvest time. 


Each type of feed to be used in the ration should be sampled and analyzed separately. Different forage species, mixtures or cuttings should be sampled individually because they all differ in nutrient content. Grains and roughages grown in different areas of Alberta, even in different fields, differ greatly in nutrient content. Protect your investment in feed testing by taking every care to ensure that the samples you submit are representative. If the samples are not representative the test results will be misleading and consequently, of little value.

When sampling baled roughages use the specially designed core sampling tool which is available from Agricultural Services upon request. Take samples from at least 20 different bales or places in the stack. Place the core samples directly into plastic sample bags. This will help prevent the loss of leaves.

For sampling loose or cut roughages or silage it is best to take the sample by hand. You will have difficulty obtaining a sample with a core sampling tool. Take samples from at least 20 different locations in the stack or swath. Put the samples in a pail and mix thoroughly. Take a sample from the pail and put it into the plastic bag. Try to avoid leaf loss. If the roughage is very dry you may be better off to sample directly into plastic sample bags.

Grains or complete feeds should also be sampled from at least 20 different locations in the storage structure. Put the samples in a pail and mix thoroughly. Then transfer a sample to a plastic sample bag. If your feed contains protein supplement or minerals these may settle to the bottom of the pail. The easiest time to collect your samples is when the grain or feed is being augered into the storage bin.

DO NOT DRY the samples before submitting them. Recommendations are made on an as-fed basis: thus, knowing the moisture content is very important. If possible, freeze silage samples before mailing them. Silages or other perishables should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible.


  • Package and ship according to laboratory instructions.



Analytical results of feed samples will be forwarded to the farmer. If you wish to discuss feeding needs, ration balancing and detailed ration recommendations please call Clearwater County Ag Services to discuss or make an appointment.

Please Note: Clearwater County does not provide information for use in advertising or for use in situations where legal action is involved or contemplated nor to provide a quality-control service for feed manufacturers.