Bridging Communities With Open Access Options
RSG Telecom (formerly known as Rigstar Industrial Telecom) together with Aracadis stands at the forefront of managing Clearwater County’s Open Access Network, while showcasing their dedication in driving connectivity and technological advancement within the community. Click here to visit RSG Telecom.
Leading Advantages:
- Expanded Service Reach - Telecom providers are able to quickly expand their service area without the need for extensive network infrastructure investments. The CORE network is fully operational and ready to service the County.
- Cost Savings - Cleawater County’s OAN allows Telecom Providers to share the physical network, reducing the capital expenditure required for network construction and maintenance.
- Reduced Deployment Time - Clearwater County’s OAN offers established and robust infrastructure, which allows Telecom Providers to deploy services more rapidly. This enables quicker entry into the County and faster response due to strong customer demand.
- Increased Market Reach Share - By offering services on Clearwater County’s OAN, Telecom Providers can immediately tap into a larger customer base.
- 24/7 Live Support - The OAN is maintained and supported by an experienced team to assist with accessing the network, while providing Tier 1, 2, and 3 support.
- Long-Term Sustainability - Clearwater County’s OAN is designed to be adaptable and scalable, making it easier for Telecom Providers to integrate new technologies and meet changing customer demands. This can help ensure the long-term sustainability of their business.
Overall, leveraging Clearwater County’s Open Access Network offers Telecom Providers a cost-effective and efficient way to expand their service reach, attract a broader customer base, reduce overhead costs, and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving telecommunications industry.
To learn more, visit RSG Telecom.