The nomination period for the 2025 Municipal Election begins January 1, 2025 and ends 12:00 noon on Monday September 22, 2025. (Nomination Day)
Nomination papers may be submitted in person to the Returning Officer at the Clearwater County Office located at 4340 - 47 Avenue Rocky Mountain House.
Candidate Packages are available here, or hardcopies can be picked up starting January 2, 2025 from the Clearwater County office.
Per sections 147.22(1) of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) no Individual or person acting for the individual shall accept a contribution or incur a campaign expense prior to providing written notice (notice of intent) to the local jurisdiction in which the individual intends to be nominated.
Candidate Eligibility
Clearwater County Council is made up of highly motivated residents looking to make a difference within their community. To be eligible for Council you must be:
- a Canadian citizen
- at least 18 years old on Nomination Day (September 22, 2025)
- a resident of Clearwater County, in the Ward in which you intend to run, for that last six consecutive months preceding Nomination Day; and
- eligible to vote without being disqualified under any other legislation.
You are not eligible as a candidate if you:
- are an employee of Clearwater County (unless you are granted a leave of absence prior to nomination day);
- are an auditor of Clearwater County;
- are more than $50 in arrears on your property taxes, or are more than 90 days in default of any debt to Clearwater County in excess of $500.00; or
- have been convicted of an offence under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act or the Canada Elections Act within the last 10 years
Election Signage
The use of Clearwater County’s official logo or phone number on any campaign materials, including signs or brochures, is strictly prohibited.
Clearwater County’s Land Use Bylaw s.6.18(3)(e) permits the temporary placement of official notices or signs without development permit approval. In addition to Clearwater County’s Land Use Bylaw, campaign signs are also subject to the provisions of other municipal, provincial and federal legislation. Alberta transportation is the authority for all highways (including secondary highways) in Clearwater County.
Guidelines for the Installation of Election Signs
Campaign signs are permitted from May 1, 2025 up until 3 days upon completion of the election. Candidates are responsible for the removal and collection of their election campaign signs by Thursday, October 23, 2025.
Electoral Wards
Clearwater County is comprised of 7 electoral wards with one elected representative each.
There are couple different ways to figure out which ward you live in;
A) Check your 2025 Tax Notice
B) Reference the maps linked below
C) Call the County at 403-845-4444
Clearwater County Ward Boundaries
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Please note the Ward maps are focused on areas with residences, and may not include the entire ward boundary.
Frequently Asked Questions
Nominations & Eligibility |
Do I have to wait to start campaigning until I file my nomination papers?
No, prospective candidates can begin campaigning as soon as they’d like.
However, s 147.22 of Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) outlines that a candidate may not accept campaign contributions or incur campaign expenses, prior to providing written notice to the local jurisdiction (Clearwater County) in which they intend to run. Potential candidates are encouraged to contact the Returning Officer and obtain a “Candidate Package” outlines the process in greater detail.
How many signatures are required on my nomination papers?
Per s. 27 of the LAEA every nomination must signed by at least 5 persons who are eligible to vote in that election and resident in the local jurisdiction on the date of signing the nomination.
Do I have to submit my Nomination Papers in person, or can I have my official agent submit on my behalf?
You may want to file the form in person; however, anyone can file it on your behalf as long as it is fully completed (signed by a Commissioner of Oath). It is your responsibility to ensure that the nomination form filed meets the requirements under s. 27 of the LAEA.
Is a volunteer paid-on-call firefighter eligible to run for municipal office in Clearwater County?
Yes, as long as they meet the provisions of the LAEA for eligibility, under “Qualification of Candidates” s. 21.
What if nominations are not received for a particular position?
If the required number of nominations are not received for the number of positions available on Nomination Day, the Returning Officer will continue to receive nominations the following day, at the local jurisdiction, between 10 a.m. and 12noon. Nominations will continue to be received at the same place between the same times until the required number of nominations has been received or a period of six working days, including Nomination Day (s. 31 LAEA).
What is the minimum time to request a leave of absence (from employer, Clearwater County)?
Per s. 22(5) of the LAEA the deadline to submit a leave of absence is the person's last working day prior September 22, 2025. (Nomination Day)
If I’m a contract worker for Clearwater County, am I still required to resign or step down?
No, if the signed working contract states that “the Contractor will be responsible for the payment of all Income tax, Canada Pension, Employment Insurance, and all other required payments, contributions and deductions. Clearwater County will provide coverage under the Workers Compensation Act that arise or may hereafter arise with regard to the services performed by the Contractor under this agreement”.
Do I have to pay a deposit when I file my nomination papers?
No, Clearwater County does not currently have a bylaw requiring a nomination deposit. Per s. 29(1) of the LAEA, the deadline for Clearwater County Council to pass a bylaw requiring a deposit is December 31, 2024.
Campaigning |
Can a candidate put up campaign signage prior to Nomination Day?
The campaign period for the 2025 Municipal Election begins May 1, 2025 and ends at the end of Election day. Campaign signs are permitted during the election advertising period up until 3 days upon completion of the election. Therefore, candidates are responsible for the removal and collection of their election signs campaign signs by Thursday October 23, 2025. Clearwater County’s Land Use Bylaw s.6.18(3)(e) permits the temporary placement of official notices or signs without development permit approval. Campaign signs are to be distanced from voting stations, no nearer than roadways leading to the entrance of the voting station access. In addition to Clearwater County’s Land Use Bylaw, campaign signs are also subject to the provisions of other municipal, provincial and federal legislation. Alberta transportation is the authority for all highways (including secondary highways) in Clearwater County. Visit Alberta Transportation’s website here for more information.
Can I use a County logo on my campaign materials?
No, the use of Clearwater County’s official logo or phone number on any campaign materials, including signs or brochures, is prohibited.
Can I put up campaign signs near a voting station?
No, as per s. 152 of the LAEA, and is an offence subject to fines.
Are you allowed to campaign inside, outside or near a voting station on Election Day?
No, as per s. 150 of the LAEA, interfering with an elector, displaying materials or distributing information, communicating who a voter is or has voted for or directly or indirectly inducing an elector is an offence subject to fines or imprisonment per s. 150(9).
Can incumbent Councillors participate in community events/functions prior to Election Day?
Yes. As private citizens, Councillors may attend any community event on their personal time. A Councillor’s term and official role ceases once new Councillors are sworn at the Organizational Meeting following the municipal election.
Campaign Finance |
Do I have to report on contributions and expenses?
Per s. 147.4 of the LAEA candidates must submit campaign disclosure statements on or before March 1st of each year for the previous years contributions. In other words, contributions received in 2024 must be disclosed by March 1st, 2025 and contributions received in 2025 must be disclosed by March 1st, 2026. Campaign Disclosure Statements (Form 26) must be submitted to the Returning Officer or Municipality. Campaign disclosure statements require the name and address of contributors whose donations exceeded $50.00 in the aggregate. Candidate who entirely self fund their campaign are still required to submit disclosure statements.
What if I do not collect campaign contributions?
Per s. 147.22(4) of the LAEA a candidate can contribute up to $10,000.00 of their own funds during the campaign period (Jan 2022 - Dec 2025). Even if a candidate is entirely self-funded they are still required to file campaign disclosure statements subject to s. 147.4(1) of the LAEA.
Voting & Election Day |
I’m going to be out of town on Election Day. Can I vote in advance?
An advanced vote will be held at the following locations on Monday, October 6, 2025.
Rocky Regional Recreation Center
5332 50th Street
Rocky Mountain House
Caroline Community Hub
5103 48 Ave
Per s. 77.1 of the LAEA, pending a resolution from Council, an elector whose name is contained in the permanent electors register and who is unable to vote at an advanced vote or at the voting station on election day may apply to vote by special ballot (vote by mail). The tentative intake date for special ballot applications is slated for August 1, 2025. Clearwater County's website will be updated as more information becomes available.
Who is eligible to observe the election process?
Only one of the following can be present in the voting station:
- Candidate; or
- Official Agent; or
- Scrutineer.
A candidate, their official agent, or one of their scrutineers may not be present at the same voting station during voting hours.
Who has the ability to ask for a recount?
If a recount is requested, a recount application must be made within 44 hours immediately following the closing of the voting stations. s.98(4) LAEA
Per s. 98 of the LAEA The Returning Officer may undertake a recount if:
- A candidate, official agent, or scrutineer show grounds that the count of votes is inaccurate.
- The Returning Officer considers the number of rejected ballots, valid ballots objected to, or any administrative or technical errors are sufficient to affect the results of the election.
- If the difference between the candidate with the most votes and the runner up is within 0.5% of the total number of ballots marked for that office. s.98(1.1) LAEA
-> Only the agent of, or the candidate who is, the runner up may request a recount under this condition. An application for this recount can be made within 48 hours after the statement of results is posted.
Who can challenge the validity of an election?
If the validity of an election, of a member of an elected authority, or the member’s right to hold the seat, is contested, or the validity of a vote on a bylaw or question is contested, the issue may be raised before the Court of Queen’s Bench, per s. 126 LAEA. The issue may be raised by:
- A candidate;
- The elected authority;
- Any elector, if the right to sit is by acclamation or contested on the ground that a member of the elected authority is ineligible, disqualified, or has forfeited the member’s seat since the election; or
- An elector who gave or tendered their vote at the election.
How do I object to an Elector?
Bill 20: Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 repealed the ability for a candidate's official agent or scrutineer to object to an elector. Contact Clearwater County’s Returning Officer for more information.
Other Questions |
As a Councillor, when do my Canada Life benefits coverage end (if I am not re-elected)? Also, if I am a new Councillor when does my coverage begin?
If you are not re-elected, your benefits coverage will end on Election Day (October 20, 2025). If you are a newly elected Councillor, your benefits coverage begins on the day you are sworn into office during the Organizational Meeting (October 28, 2025).
Municipal Affairs
Phone: 780-427-2225
- Councillor Handbook
- Overview - Changes to the LAEA (2024)
- Running for Municipal Office in Alberta: A Candidate’s Guide (2020)
- Alberta: 2025 Municipal Election Prospective Candidates - (Video Playlist)
- Alberta Municipal Elections
- Roles and Responsibilities of Officials in Local Government
- Rural Municipalities of Alberta - Running for Municipal Office