- County Infrastructure Protection and major truck hauls (Highway Management Bylaw)
- Traffic Safety on roads within Clearwater County
- Enforcing and investigating certain types of bylaw complaints
- Assisting RCMP, Alberta Sheriff's branch, Forestry, Environmental Protection, and other CPO agencies when required.
- Assist County departments when required (Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services, Planning & Development)
- Emergency Management during major events
What We Do
Provincial Appointments (not limited to):
- Animal Protection Act
- Criminal Code of Canada (Enhanced Authorities – Non-Urgent Community Calls)
- Dangerous Dogs Act
- Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Act
- Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
- Forests Act
- Forest and Prairie Protection Act
- Fuel Tax Act
- Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act
- Highway Development and Protection Act
- Motor Vehicle Transport Act
- Petty Trespass Act
- Provincial Offences Procedures Act
- Public Lands Act
- Stray Animals Act
- Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Act
- Traffic Safety Acthttps://open.alberta.ca/publications/t07
Municipal Authorizations:
Protection of Infrastructure
Enforcement of heavy hauls and weights & dimensions on county roads ensures that companies operating in Clearwater County are working within the legal weights allowed thereby protecting the infrastructure from damage and reducing the tax burden on residents for road repairs.
If you require information on obtaining a Road Use Agreement, please call 403-845-4444 or refer to: Highway Management Bylaw
Officers work closely with industry and offer information sessions regarding new legislation and regulations.
Public and Traffic Safety
Officers are fully trained as first responders for collisions and emergencies that occur in the County. Due to the vast area that the Officers patrol each patrol vehicle is equipped with an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator, trauma & oxygen kits, and equipment. They are trained in Emergency Management and Incident Command Systems. Officers patrol the West Country for violations of the Traffic Safety Act and Public Lands Act
Rural crime is a concern throughout Alberta, including in Clearwater County. Below is information on crime prevention and programs to help keep our rural communities safe.
The Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association want to help reduce crime in rural areas and to create a more thorough understanding and awareness of crime prevention and best safety practices. They provide opportunities and resources for citizens to take action in protecting what's most important to them. Together with local RCMP detachments and community organizations, they create a strong awareness, expand law presence, and help reduce crime.
Clearwater County Community Peace Officers work closely with rural crime watch groups operating within the County boundaries.
Rural crime is a concern throughout Alberta, including in Clearwater County. Below is information on crime prevention and programs to help keep our rural communities safe.
RCMP Community Crime Map
The new Crime Map, which is a “K” Division Crime Reduction Strategy, is a targeted, evidence-based approach to informing residents about 5 crime types:
- Break and Enters
- Stolen Vehicles
- Missing Persons
- Theft from Motor Vehicles and
- Mischief
These crime types have been chosen for the map because they are opportunities where people can help reduce crime by practicing crime prevention strategies, or by reporting suspicious activity that may help the RCMP make arrests.
Learn more here:
OHV Use in Clearwater County
OHV operators who do not follow municipal regulations are committing an offence and will be fined accordingly. Under Clearwater County OHV Bylaw, offence fines range from $250 to $1,000.
Please note: The bylaw does not apply to highways, which are under the jurisdiction of the province. Riding OHVs is not permitted on 2 & 3-digit provincial highways, this includes riding in the ditches and right-of-ways along the roadways. Refer to the Traffic Safety Act and the Off-highway Vehicle Regulation.
Respect private property!
OHVs should not be operated on other people's property unless they have received permission from the property owner. Unauthorized riding is:
- Trespassing
- Against the law
- Damaging to crops, fences and other valuable items
Long Weekend Taskforce
As residents of Clearwater County, we know that many Albertans come to provincial public lands – or the "West Country” – to enjoy the natural beauty of the area. Although most users are respectful of the land they use for recreation, unfortunately a small minority are not.
Use of the West Country is increasing which in turn has increased the level of stress on public land and risk of public safety. Education and Enforcement enable upwards of 50,000 people heading into the West Country to continue to have a safe and enjoyable life.
Long Weekend Task Force aims to provide coordinated multi-agency enforcement and aims to educate users on traffic safety, the safe use of OHV’s, respect for the land, responsible camping, fire safety and garbage disposal. The partnerships that have developed over the past 12 years between both provincial and municipal governments, the RCMP, industry and private user groups are crucial to ensure sustainable public lands usage into the future. The Long Weekend Task Force is going to continue to grow as use of the West Country keeps rising. With the help of residents, understanding visitors and volunteers, we will continue to protect Clearwater County West Country.
- Public Safety and Emergency Services
- Office Traffic Safety
- AB Transportation
- Alberta Sheriffs
- Road Data
Enforcement Request Form
The below form can be completed within this webpage (or click here to view in a new window).