Councillor Drop-In Sessions

Councillor drop-in sessions are intended as an informal opportunity for Councillors to reconnect with residents, or meet new ones, and hear their feedback, ideas and concerns. The goal is to encourage face-to-face meetings with Councillors, in a relaxed and safe setting, in the newly established office at the County's Main Administration building. 

UPDATE: Councillor Drop-In Sessions are now being held at the Caroline office, as well as the main Clearwater County office.

March 2025
Councillor Lougheed
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
County Office
Councillor Meeting Room

Councillor Cermak
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Caroline Office
Meeting Room


Councillor Mehlhaff
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
County Office
Councillor Meeting Room


April 2025

Councillor Gibson
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Caroline Office
Meeting Room


Councillor Ratcliffe
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
County Office
Councillor Meeting Room

Reeve Swanson
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
County Office
Councillor Meeting Room
Councillor Northcott
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Caroline Office
Meeting Room


Councillor Lougheed
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
County Office
Councillor Meeting Room


What initiated Councillor drop-in sessions? At the June 14, 2022 Regular Council Meeting, Council made notice of motion that directed Administration to schedule Councillors, on a weekly rotation, for a 3-hour ‘drop-in’ session with residents, beginning September 2022, to allow Councillors and residents opportunity to additionally engage and discuss matters of interest (you can read the minutes from this meeting here).

With the intent to provide additional opportunities, outside of the formal public engagement process, for Councillors to build relationships, share information and hear what is on people's minds. It ensures Councillors are visible, easily approachable and available to hear from residents on a regularly scheduled basis.

This item was brought to the June 28, 2022 Regular Council Meeting for discussion, (read the full item here!) where Council made the following motion: 

RES-273-2022 Motion by Councillor Gennifer Mehlhaff that Council directs Administration to schedule Councillors, on a weekly rotation for a trial period of one year from start, at a salary basis, for a 3-hour ‘drop-in’ session with residents in the Councillors’ office, beginning September 2022, to allow Councillors and residents opportunity to additionally engage and discuss matters of interest.  


Clearwater County is committed to establishing and maintaining a respectful workplace. Staff, elected officials, volunteers, contractors, and business partners have a right to a workplace where they are treated fairly and with dignity, respect, and honesty. Behaviours not in alignment with Clearwater County’s respectful workplace policy will not be tolerated.