The County provides Dog Control services within its borders. This is done through a contract with Red Deer based Alberta Animal Services. Alberta Animal Services can be contacted at:
Alberta Animal Services
4640-61 Street

Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 2R2
Phone: 403.347.2388
Alberta Animal Services is contracted to enforce the Clearwater County's Dog Control Bylaw. The process used in Clearwater County is educative in nature and generally follows a progression of consequences prior to the issuance of a fine under the Bylaw.
Step 1: Neighbour to Neighbour
Resolving a dog related issue can often be achieved by talking directly with your neighbour. In many instances, your neighbour may not even be aware that their dog is causing a problem. This face to face communication between you and your neighbour can often resolve the issue and will do so in a way that is much more meaningful than resolution through the County's formal system.
Step 2: Warning
If talking with your neighbour has not proven to be successful, you may need to make a formal complaint to the County. This can be done by contacting Alberta Animal Services directly or by contacting Community Services to pass the complaint on to Alberta Animal Services on your behalf.
When making a complaint you should be prepared to give your name, location, contact information and nature of the complaint. A representative from Alberta Animal Services will contact you to discuss the complaint.
Step 3: Issuance of a Fine
If a warning has not proved sufficient, issuance of a fine may be appropriate. In order to issue a fine the County requires a signed statement from a witness. Without such a statement, any fine issued would not stand in a court of law.
Although the approach outlined above is generally followed, the County may choose to move directly to a fine for more serious offences.
Alberta Animal Services conducts patrols in the County to investigate complaints which are reported from residents. Information is gathered by an Officer for each complaint received which will be responded to accordingly.
Non-emergency complaints such as barking dogs or wandering dogs at large will be investigated when an officer is scheduled to attend after receiving a complaint. Emergency situations such as aggressive dogs or calls to assist the RCMP or other agencies will be attended to as soon as possible and will take priority over other complaints.
If a patrol is to be conducted in the County in response to a complaint the investigating Officer will provide information of the date and time that the patrol will occur. Please note that not every complaint requires an Officer to attend a location and may be dealt with via phone or registered mail service.
The County does not provide enforcement services relating to cats.
Chicken License
Clearwater County requires residents within the hamlets of Alhambra, Condor, Leslieville, and Withrow, as well as multi-lot residential subdivisions, to obtain a chicken license if ownership of chickens occurs. According to bylaw NO 1020/17, the maximum amount of chickens regulated on a residential (CR) property is six(6). Roosters are prohibited. This license requires a fee. Please see chicken license application package here.