Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

What does FCSS do?

In brief, Clearwater Regional Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)...
  •  help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis;    
  •  help people to develop an awareness of social needs;    
  •  help people to develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationships among people;    
  •  help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them; and   
  •  provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community.

Understanding FCSS - Chapter 1
Understanding FCSS - Chapter 2
The FCSS Story

The provincial FCSS Program Handbook and Family and Community Support Services Act are available on the Alberta Human Services website.

Under FCSS, communities design and deliver social programs that are preventive in nature to promote and enhance well-being among individuals, families and communities. The programs depend on community resources, often involving volunteers in management and delivery.

The FCSS philosophy is based on a belief that self-help contributes to a sense of integrity, self-worth and independence. The programs developed are intended to help individuals in their community to adopt healthy lifestyles, thereby improving the quality of life and building the capacity to prevent and/or deal with crisis situations should they arise. 

2024 Community Grant Application

Grant application deadlines are January 1, March 1, May 1, and October 1, 2024. For more information about funding document, and samples, please visit the Town of Rocky Mountain House FCSS website.

Clearwater Regional Social Needs Assessment

A Social Needs Assessment was carried out in an effort to determine the social needs of residents in the Clearwater Region.  This assessment involved the development of a community profile, a review of key documents, and the collection of data through a comprehensive engagement process consisting of resident surveys and in-depth interviews.  The information assembled during this assessment was summarized into findings and key themes and twelve priority areas. Click here to view the report.

Seniors Social Needs Assessment

Funded through an Aging Well in Place grant from the Government of Alberta, the assessment looked at what social program are in place for seniors in the community and what improvements are necessary to better understand the needs of seniors in the community. Click here to view the report.

Question or Inquiries?

Please contact:

Andrea HardyLinsey Nicholson
Clearwater Regional FCSS Manager
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
FCSS Program & Volunteer Coordinator
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Volunteer Opportunities

Clearwater Regional FCSS maintains a database of volunteers and volunteer opportunities. To get involved, please complete a volunteer application form and return it to For more information, please visit Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta.

Indigenous Services:

Aboriginal Head Start Program  •  403-845-2788

Child Welfare
O’Chiese Child Welfare Program 
•  (403) 989-3949  •  (403) 989-2294(Fax)
Sunchild Child Welfare Program
•  (403) 989-3956  •  (403) 989-3955   •  (403) 989-2533(Fax)
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada
Contact: Dawnna-Lee Nielson, RMH  •  403-845-3660  •  403-844-7855
Bighorn • 403-721-2262
Sunchild • 403-989-3962
O'Chiese • 403-989-3900
Service: Community and Public Health services to First Nations peoples.
Metis Urban Housing
Contact: Pat Holdner  •  403-845-7077 • 403-846-1204 (C)
5840 - 60 Ave, Rocky Mountain House, AB
Service: Aboriginal Housing.
Hours: First and last week of the month 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. otherwise call cell between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

NADAP - National Native Addictions Drug Abuse Program
Contact: Cuisine Strawberry, O’Chiese   •  (403) 989-3900
Mavis Redcalf, NADAP Director, Sunchild  •  (403) 989-3962
Jason Hunter, Bighorn Wesley First Nations  • (403)  721-2262
Service: Counselling and Treatment Referral.

Native Counselling Service
Contact: Ruby Marshall, Court Worker  •  (403) 347-4377
Service: Provides information on family law, court procedures and child welfare matters. This service is free of charge.

O’Chiese Daycare  
Contact:  (403) 989-3666 
Reserve Health Centre
Bighorn Health Centre • 403-721-2262
Sunchild Health Centre  •  (403) 989-3962
O’Chiese Health Centre  •  (403) 989-3900
Service: Centres provide nursing services, medical transportation, support services, dental services, health and medical resources.

Rocky Aboriginal Employment Services 
Contact:   Office 403-845-6405 • Fax 403-845-6473
Address: Unit A, 5013 - 50 Street, RMH, AB, T4T 1A9
Service: Provide employment information and support for Aboriginal persons seeking employment training. Funded by Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry and Service Canada.
Asokewin Friendship Centre (formerly known as Rocky Native Friendship Centre)  •  403-845-2788  •  403-845-3093(Fax)
4917 - 52nd St., Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B4


Aboriginal Head Start - Donna Schroeder
Addictions Counsellor - Darlene Hoschka
Service: Support for urban Aboriginal families. Provides parenting and other identified workshops.
Community Activities and Events
See listing under Cultural and Historic Organizations
Sunchild Daycare                                                                                                                                                 
Contact: (403) 989-2467
Service: Provides childcare for infants - 6 years olds.
Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sunchild First Nation
Contact: Gerry Laslo • 403-989-3740
Box 747, Rocky Mtn. House, AB T4T 1A5

Sunchild Headstart Program                                                                                                                                 
Contact: (403) 989-3909
Sunchild Social Services
Contact: (403) 989-3787
Yellow Head Community Corrections  •   (403) 989-2550
Contact: Pricilla Sharpe/Shirley

Counselling & Addictions Services

AADAC  •  1-866-332-2322
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission
Call the toll-free number for appointments in Rocky Mountain House.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse  •  403-845-2788  •  403-845-3093(F)
AADAC funded
Service: Counselling available to anyone with or involved with addiction problems. Individual, group and family counselling available with referrals to treatment centers. No appointment necessary.

Contact: Mari Lee Ayers

Location: Box 1989, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 

GOEL Counselling Services  •  403-845-2033
Contact: Richard Lemmon, Counselling Specialist C.A.P.P.E.
Service: Solution focused counselling offered to individuals and families; marriage and couple relationships; grief and loss; family violence, anger management, critical incident stress management, post traumatic stress and addictions.
Location: West County Family Services, 4934 - 50th St., Rocky Mtn. House
National Native Addictions Drug Abuse Program (NADAP) – Counselling and Treatment Referral
Contact: Cuisine Strawberry, O’Chiese   •  (403) 989-3943
Mavis Redcalf, Sunchild  •  (403) 989-3962
Jason Hunter, Big Horn  •  (403) 721-2262                                                                                                                 
Rocky Mental Health Clinic
Service: Psychological assessment, psychotherapy, EMD/R.
Hours: By appt.