
Capital Projects

Each month, Council receives a Capital Project Status Update report from the Public Works Department. Offering detailed insights into major construction projects, this report serves as a valuable resource to stay informed. It is included in the Council agenda at the last meeting of every month.

Depending on the complexity of the project(s), preliminary engineering and/or detailed design are typically completed a year before construction of the project. Capital expenditures tend to vary from year to year depending on the current priority as outlined in the 2024 budget, and have multiple funding strategies available which could include, but are not limited to:

  • Tax Revenue
  • Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) which has been replaced by the Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF) 
  • Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) (formerly known as the Gas Tax Fund)
  • Restricted Surplus 
  • or other grant opportunities. 

For 2024, these reports include:

In 2023, these reports included:

Past Capital Project Reports:

Public Participation

No one knows their community better than the people who live, work and play in Clearwater County.

The decisions that Clearwater County Council makes impacts the daily lives of people in our municipality. Public participation creates opportunities for individuals with diverse perspectives to come together and share their ideas with Administration and Elected Officials. It's also an opportunity to listen and learn from others and to assist decision-makers as they explore ways to improve plans, programs and services.

Since 2018, Clearwater County has had a Public Participation Policy in place. This policy is guided by the International Association of Public Participation’s (IAP2) principles, and Council has adopted the IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum as a tool for determining the appropriate level of public participation. The policy outlines when and why public participation may take place so that Council is confident that decisions made are reflective of a range of resident and stakeholder priorities and interests, and so that service delivery fits the public’s expectations. 

Below you can find links to current and upcoming projects. 

Project List:

Other Ways to Have Your say:

Your input is valuable and can be provided through numerous mechanisms. Other opportunities outside of formal Public Participation, include: