Below folders include maps (either by subdivision or Township Road) outlining the land use zoning that is applied to the subject land. Anyone wishing to subdivide land, change the existing land use designation will be required to submit the necessary application forms and supporting information. Please contact the Planning & Development department at 403-845-4444 for more information.
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Fire Ban
Todays fire rating is Low
Current Fire Rating:Low
The wildfire danger across Clearwater County is LOW.
While snow cover and cooler temperatures reduce the risk of wildfires, they do not eliminate it entirely. Many winter wildfires start from abandoned campfires.
A fire left smouldering can dig deep into the ground as it burns organic matter. Often these fires are quite large by the time they are discovered, and can be difficult to extinguish.
Never assume that rain or snow will put your fire out. Always follow the same steps to extinguish a fire: soak it, stir it, soak it again.
If you see smoke or flame and suspect that it's a wildfire, call 310-FIRE (3473) to report it.